상품상세 리뷰탭 영역 콘텐츠

포토리뷰 영역

리뷰 리스트 영역

  • Sar****

    Cherry Moon Gray

    • Dark Brown Eyes
    • Warm Ivory

    I think Cherry Moon will be my everyday contact lenses! The pattern is so natural. The New Moon pattern was not too much. It slightly blended with my original eye color very well.
    OLENS said, gray but to me it was more like blue. Felt comfortable when wearing it.

  • 03/15/2021
  • Mdb****

    Cherry Moon Gray

    • Black Eyes
    • Warm Ivory

    I absolutely love it!! It's very natural and especially I love the new moon pattern. This very gradated new moon pattern makes my eyes more deep and clear. And I think the gray color is more like blue gray. Love it! Also, very comfortable too!!

  • 03/12/2021
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