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How long does the Shipping take?

joli 274 Views 06/12/2023
Okay, I do know that shipping time depends on the country and the courier service.
On the OLENS website it says that delivery takes 7-21 business days.

In my case, shipping to the US for the orders took a minimum of 7 days which was the fastest.

I'm curious to know how long the shipping take for countries like Canada and UK.

Does it take the same time?


Aj Olens Crew 06/17/2023
I’m in the UK and it usually takes 3 days
minjiXO 06/13/2023
I live in US it takes 1 week for me actually!
lovelycat Creator 06/13/2023
Hi! Well DHL is not available to US thats why its a little bit slow :/ DHL is available to UK and CAN!
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