상품상세 리뷰탭 영역 콘텐츠

포토리뷰 영역

리뷰 리스트 영역

  • a****

    ViVi Ring Gray Toric (For astigmatism)

    • Dark Brown Eyes
    • Beige

    why did you stop selling the toric lenses :(

  • 07/02/2024
  • a****

    ViVi Ring Gray Toric (For astigmatism)

    • Dark Brown Eyes
    • Beige

    pls continue selling the toric lenses :(

  • 07/02/2024
  • gal****

    ViVi Ring Choco Toric (For astigmatism)

    • Dark Brown Eyes
    • Natural

    The lenses are soft and looks very natural on the eyes however, I have a lot of trouble when I have them on. They don’t fit so well as they are slipping a bit from my eyes. The power/cyl doesn’t seem right as it’s still a bit blurry when I have them on and I have to blink quite alot

  • 04/22/2024
  • dai****

    ViVi Ring Choco Toric (For astigmatism)

    • Dark Brown Eyes
    • Honey

    so happy they have vivi ring in toric lenses! they give the most natural everyday look with any makeup style

  • 03/28/2024
  • LJ****

    ViVi Ring Brown Toric (For astigmatism)

    • Black Eyes
    • Ivory

    The color looks so pretty in my eyes, although for astigmatism it moves a little from the eye, but it still stays so pretty looking. Will repurchase

  • 03/14/2024
  • LJ****

    ViVi Ring Gray Toric (For astigmatism)

    • Black Eyes
    • Ivory

    The softlense is as expected, it arrives so quick after the dispatch. Will repurchase in the future. Color is amazing

  • 03/14/2024
  • Din****

    ViVi Ring Gray Toric (For astigmatism)

    • Dark Brown Eyes
    • Beige

    OLENS contact lenses are so comfortable to wear and bonus points is they have beautiful COLOURED TORIC LENS which is quite hard to find and I hope they will have it available in Singapore. Thank you OLENS!

  • 12/15/2023
  • pp****

    ViVi Ring Choco Toric (For astigmatism)

    • None Info
    • Ivory

    Soooo good!

  • 11/27/2023
  • s****

    ViVi Ring Brown Toric (For astigmatism)

    • Light Brown Eyes
    • Natural

    if you’re thinking about getting these, definitely do so!! they look ridiculously real. it looks like how my natural eyes are in the sun, but all the time! and larger. i only have astigmatism in my left eye so it fits great on it, however the right eye is uncomfortable but nothing unbearable

  • 11/17/2023
  • sly****

    ViVi Ring Brown Toric (For astigmatism)

    • None Info
    • None Info

    I love this so much as I am a student and really need toric lens to study and to stare at my computer for extended periods of time!

  • 11/15/2023
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